Posted: Wednesday, July 12, 2017

All-Flash Array Storage

All-Flash Array Storage

Find out how it addresses the need for lower latency and faster response

By : Paul Oh

The Exponential Data Growth Challenge

Today’s businesses are struggling with the exponential growth of data and an increasing pressure on the data center to become more efficient. To address this issue, a traditional "one size fits all" strategy for storage design is no longer adequate. 

Some of the trends that contribute to the challenge, such as server virtualization, proliferation of multi-core processors, and a rising adoption of desktop virtualization, are increasing the requirement for high I/O performance with low latency and very fast response times. On the other side of the spectrum, an explosive growth of unstructured data also drives the need for capacity-optimized storage.

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Posted: Thursday, March 2, 2017

Should you Implement Flash Storage? Can you afford NOT to?

Should you Implement Flash Storage? Can you afford NOT to?

By : Paul Oh

A recent Frost and Sullivan survey ranks storage as one of IT leaders' top concerns due to extreme growth and changing needs. I’ve highlighted some key takeaways from the report which emphasize why Flash technology is growing in demand when it comes to addressing today’s storage needs. 

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Posted: Monday, October 17, 2016

All-flash Arrays Can Do Wonders For Your Data Storage

All-flash Arrays Can Do Wonders For Your Data Storage

By : Anonym

All-Flash technology used to be all about raw performance. It had been designed to address issues with traditional applications that were bound by latency and throughput. This was not mainstream, but rather applied to niche environments. It was an expensive solution but justified compared to the alternative cost of rewriting an application or deploying massive arrays of spinning disk. In many cases, low latency could not be consistently achieved with disk-based solutions.

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Posted: Friday, February 28, 2014

Flash Storage - Peak Performance and Efficiency at its best

Flash Storage - Peak Performance and Efficiency at its best

By : Paul Oh

If you’ve researched your options online about Flash storage and how it can benefit your organization, you will read that Flash is offering better performance, lower energy consumption and greater resilience in comparison to traditional hard disk drives.

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