Posted: Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Rise of Agent AI: Transforming the Future of Work

The Rise of Agent AI: Transforming the Future of Work

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make waves in 2025 and beyond, other, newer, techologies are emerging. Agent AI is a rapidly evolving field within the realm of AI that focuses on creating autonomous systems capable of independent goal-directed behavior.

Unlike traditional AI models that primarily excel at specific tasks, Agent AI systems can:

Proactively pursue goals: Agents are designed to not just react to input but to actively seek out information and opportunities to achieve their objectives.

Plan and execute actions: They can formulate plans, make decisions, and take actions in the real world or within simulated environments.

Adapt and learn: Agent AI systems can learn from their experiences, adapt to changing conditions, and improve their performance over time.

These agents are capable of learning from their environment, making decisions, and executing actions to achieve specific goals. They can be found in various forms, from virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to more complex systems used in industries such as finance, healthcare, and customer service.on, and innovation.

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Posted: Monday, September 13, 2021

Why IBM i Still Matters

Why IBM i Still Matters

Dispelling misconceptions about IBM i/AS400 technologies losing popularity

Undoubtedly, technology has evolved at a rapid pace over the past several decades and continues to do so. But some legacy machines that may be unfairly viewed as obsolete still hold tremendous value in today’s marketplace.

Enter IBM i – a family of mid-range computers that has gone through many name changes during the course of its lifetime.

As the image below illustrates: The evolution of IBM i began in the late 1970’s with the AS/400 (Application System/400) being introduced in 1988 as the successor of the previous two models.

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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2017

The Focus for Canadian IT leaders in 2017

The Focus for Canadian IT leaders in 2017

By : Anonym

As a new year begins, I find it helpful to get a pulse on the Canadian IT Industry to get a feel for what’s important for our customers. Sentia helps CIOs plan for the future but more importantly, we help them address their concerns with effective solutions.

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Posted: Friday, December 2, 2016

The Transformation of the Classroom with a Cloud-based Productivity Suite

The Transformation of the Classroom with a Cloud-based Productivity Suite

As someone that works in the IT industry, I was recently very impressed with the tools now available to our kids to help them learn in new ways. It’s amazing to see what is available to them now, from devices to portals and apps, all free of charge, connecting teachers, students and parents. What a difference a generation makes since I was in school!

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Posted: Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bridging the Gap between Social and the IT Buyer

Bridging the Gap between Social and the IT Buyer

Marketing to IT Prospects Requires a New Way of Thinking

As digital continues to dominate the way we market to our customers, it is more important than ever before to have not only a strong presence online, but a trusted and credible one. Attracting new clients requires a different way of thinking.

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Posted: Thursday, February 4, 2016

IDC Canada Predicts Digital Transformation Will Shape 2016

IDC Canada Predicts Digital Transformation Will Shape 2016

By : Anonym

A new year brings along trend reports from specialized research firms, and at Sentia, we always consider how the findings relate to our customers. Are these trends impacting your organization?

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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016

How Do CxO's Plan to Face the Age of Disruption?

How Do CxO's Plan to Face the Age of Disruption?

By : Anonym

First off, a very happy new year to all our clients and visitors! I feel, like many of you, that there is a revolution out there and we must continuously reinvent ourselves to keep our businesses alive and healthy! This puzzle is broadening and you never know where your next biggest competitor is going to emerge from.

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Number of views (39181)

Posted: Friday, November 20, 2015

2015 Canadian CIO Census – Top Priorities

2015 Canadian CIO Census – Top Priorities

For a third consecutive year, ITWC (formerly known as IT World Canada), in conjunction with Rogers Communications, surveyed 147 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and their equivalents to find out more about their day-to-day challenges and published the 2015 CIO Census Report Canadian CIO. This showcases how CIOs execute their mandate within their organizations and offers insights into what matters most to our Canadian IT leaders that you could leverage.

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Posted: Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to get your team on the social media bandwagon

How to get your team on the social media bandwagon

Today's blog post deviates from our regular content to share some hints and tips regarding social media interaction in the workplace. In an era where digital marketing is steadily becoming the new normal, employee participation in social sharing is more crucial than ever to help maximize company brand awareness, engagement and conversion rates. But what happens when schedules are too hectic, other priorities are in the way, and while they see and appreciate the value, they just 'don't have the time'. 

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